You are here: 3. Creditors Ledger > 3.4. CREDITOR TRANSACTIONS Menu: Transaction Processing > 3.4.9. Creditor Transactions - Hold Invoices/Change Due Dates

Creditor Transactions - Hold Invoices/Change Due Dates

This option enables Micronet to place selected creditors and/or selected invoices on hold, as well as changing the due dates on invoices.

Creditors and invoices placed on hold cannot be selected in an Automatic Payment run until the creditors or invoices are taken off hold.


Best Practice

Before processing creditor payments, you can print or display the current account and creditor/invoice held status – refer to "Inquiry - History Inquiry" in the Creditors Ledger manual.

To hold invoices or change the due date:


Micronet displays the Hold Invoice and Change Due Dates screen.

  1. In the Creditor Number field, enter or select a creditor.

Micronet displays the invoices outstanding on the creditor’s account.

  1. Select the invoice you want to place on hold or change dates on and press the Enter key.

Micronet displays the Hold or Release screen.

  1. Complete whichever of the following fields apply:





On Hold

Select Yes to place the invoice on hold.

Take the creditor off hold when required by selecting No in this field.


Reason On Hold

Enter the reason for placing the invoice on hold. This reason displays on account inquiries and creditor reports.


Due Date

Change the due date of the invoice if required.


Disc Due Date

Change the discount due date of the invoice if required.

  1. Select the Accept button to continue.

Micronet redisplays the Hold Invoice and Change Due Dates screen.

  1. Repeat for other invoices to hold.
  1. Select the Ok button.